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General Acknowledgments

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 24, Special Issue 7 (2017)

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2017 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 24, Special Issue 7 i Winter Ecology: Insights from Biology and History 2017 Northeastern Naturalist 24(Special Issue 7):i Winter Ecology: Insights from Biology and History General Acknowledgments This special issue has benefited from the support of many. We are grateful to the Dean’s Office and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at Trinity College for financial support. Keith Goldfarb and Jill Weber in the Northeastern Naturalist editorial office generously provided their expertise and tracked the details required to make this issue a reality. We thank all those who contributed articles, sharing with readers a glimpse of their captivation by a particular facet of the winter world. Those who served as manuscript editors and reviewers clearly enhanced the quality of this issue. We are indebted to Sue Denning (Trinity Information Technology Services) for her help in developing and designing of the website accompanying the initial call for submissions. Finally, we greatly appreciate our families’ patience as they experienced our diverted attention while we were occupied by this project. We dedicate this issue to our children and to future generations inhabiting the higher latitudes. May they be able to experience the beauty and mysteries of winter. – Special Issue Editors: Scott R. Smedley Department of Biology Trinity College Hartford, CT and Thomas Wickman History Department Program in American Studies Trinity College Hartford, CT